Friday, August 20, 2010

In the Bible, God says that mercy triumphs over judgement, so are there anyone in hell?

Where does it say this? I am not agreeing and/or disagreeing with you, just honestly wondering where the passage is found...

In the Bible, God says that mercy triumphs over judgement, so are there anyone in hell?liveupdate

Men constantly place limits on the mercy of their gods. It's the way they keep you scared and believing (and filling that collection plate!).

In the Bible, God says that mercy triumphs over judgement, so are there anyone in hell?nortin

In the Bible is not GOD speaking, you should stop believing what priests tell you...
No because men are slaves of circumstance.
In the bible it states hell is mankind's common grave. they're aren't any people burning up.
hell is already full up .God is making a deal with Satan to open up a new bigger thousand story super or hyper hell
Do to others, how you would want them to do to you.Take what's sensible from the bible and don't sweat the jargon.If you can't judge,you probably don't care about yourself or anybody.If you can show mercy,then you realize you have no judgement.Live the golden rule and all makes sense.Nobody is in hell cuz it's a fable created by the Egyptians passed down to the bible.
yes there are. the only people who go to heaven are those who accept his gift of grace and forgiveness. a gift isnt a gift until that person accepts it. and a gift isnt a gift if its costs the other person something to receive it. so gods gift is free but you still have to maintain a christian life so that others may see your gift and receive it as well. God doesnt send people to hell, they choose to go there.
Yes, those who refuse God's mercy. God will be merciful to anyone who seeks His mercy, but He won't force it upon someone who doesn't want it.


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