Monday, August 16, 2010

Muslims: Is the Prophet Muhammad(S) the last messenger of God and his beloved infallible (sinless) o

Bismillah al rahman alrahim

Muslim scholars do not speak in one voice on this subject. Some claim that the Prophet (s) is sinless or infallible ONLY in the delivery of Allah's message. Other than that, he (s), just like others, sins and makes mistakes in many things.

This faction of scholers base their opinion on the traditions narrated in their books about how the Prophet falls asleep and forgets the prayer time, and even forgets to perform the necessary ablution (Wudu) for prayer . Furthermore, they claim that he used to sit with Aisha umm almuminin and watch a dance with music . They also claim that he (s) was affected by a magical spell that caused severe episodes of hallucination on his part. These are but a FEW of the most heinous of acts that these ''scholars'' attribute to the Mercy to Mankind, the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (s).

Note that according to other Muslim scholers, these traditions are NOT authentic, nor do they constitute ANY truth whatsoever. Again, these traditions were inserted into their books by the Umayad, among others, to justify their own corruption and insolence. For when the Prophet (s) sins so heinously as they depict him (s) in the above traditions, we can no longer blame Uthman, or Muawiyah, or Yazid, or Amr Ibn al-Aas, among others, when they sin. It is to their advantage to portray the Prophet (s) as a man who listens to music and watches a dance with his wife, to justify the dancing and the music that was (and still is) rampant in their palaces.

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