Monday, August 16, 2010

Insanity, or poor grammar?

Below is a letter from Larry Iles, writing to the Index, student paper at Truman State University.

''All around us, locally, are two reasons why that debacle should not only not be happening, but indeed why the reverse triumph to ''babyface'' President Bush should have taken place, as it more recently in the Red-Green coalition victory in equally troubled Germany's economy. In Kirksville here look in a third of nearly all the major store sidewalks and you will see, quite typically, dead, closed businesses with unshakeable non-prospects. While the recent representative, near quarter-thousand strong this campus-attended ''Speakers Forum'' debate on in Iraq confirms. Massive Columbia protests turn-outs and the 4,000-plus UMC Green Kith Brekhus vote Congressionally locally yesterday, young people, with huge educational debt costs yourselves, you do not want the Congressional Accounting office estimated $9 billion Iraq invasion minimum figure cost. ''

Insanity, or poor grammar?nortonantivirus

Wow. This is a good argument for: 1. organizing one's thoughts and not wandering off track, and 2. having one's writing proofread, if not able to do it for oneself.

Insanity, or poor grammar?spyware

whatever..that makes about zero sense
no idea what this kid is trying to say, dont thinks insantity, probably english. unless i dont get it.
wow... thats just plain out making no sense...

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